Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs! Psalm 100:2
St. Paul Adult Choir is made up of volunteer members who love to sing praises. We sing almost every Sunday during second service and provide other venues of special music throughout the year, such as Easter and Christmas. Our music is composed of up to date modern compositions, and range back to the old masters, as well. All of our music is spiritually based. We have performed with Mary McDonald in concert here in the Church, and perform a lot of her arrangments.
Our Choir is directed by Dustin Heidel, who works with all members during rehearsals in order for them to learn proper singing techniques, intonation, diction, and expression. The biggest requirement for singing in the Adult Choir is to have a willingness to learn, and above all, to “Sing from the Heart”!
If you would like to join with our Choir, reach out to Dustin. We rehearse on Sunday evenings at 6 p.m. in the Music Room in the new addition. Everyone is welcome, so come and “Sing to the Lord a new song” !!

Mr. Dustin Heidel, Choir Director